Saturday, October 9, 2021

                             So much time gone, so fast!

   My last writing was, hmmm, yikes 18 months ago.  Don't worry I have good excuses ready.

   I was just about on the road to Santiago de Compostella, Spain and the Camino Real.  Life was just great.  Oh, and it still is.  

   I was and still am delightedly married, I am still a true card carrying member of the original 12 Step Recovery Group and a somewhat adept teacher of taichi and qigong in this local area of Florida.  Of course I have been all of that for the last 18 months and have not in fact did any writing.  Guilty.

   After I returned from Spain in April 2019,  which will be another blog entry later, I was privileged to go sit with my middle child, Missy, as she lay in hospice with terminal breast cancer.  Her husband, 2 children and a host of local friends and relatives were all there to support her end of life.  I am just so grateful to those that loved her and helped her.  In particular would be Mark her husband and her 2 girls.  They were true nurses, companion, angel and just a great husband and family as she wound her way through that period of her life.  I and two of Missy's  siblings were able to make it by her side numerous times although probably not as much as we would have liked to.  She passed over that "Rainbox Bridge" early January 2020.  A sad day in our lives.

   After Missy left this earth plane I did not knowlingly become angry at life and all that goes with that, I just did.  I feel certain that the anger I was living through was a product of all my abhorrent thinking as a father that there must have been something I could or should have done to save my daughter.  Wrong.  Life is what life is and I cannot make changes in others lives.  Grief has so many faces, and most we never recognize.

   I am happy that my "Spirit O Life" has decided it is time to move on.  There are people I now know I have missed terribly and things to do which always make me feel good that I am now beginning to do.  Life and I are truly "movin on".  Many of my family are moving or have moved back to the Sunshine State giving us all the opportunity to become a family again, I hope.

   If you are a long lost friend or relative of mine and feel I have been out of your life to long then reach out and bring me back in.  At my age of 78 I dont remember all I should.  So be pro-active and seek me out.  I will make a concentrated effort to do the same.  It is nice to be back to where I have always been and just did not know it.

Love and light


                                                My Little Girl

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