Tuesday, March 13, 2018

"...have to give it away."

     I met him over 2 decades ago and became his mentor, aka. sponsor.  I had no idea the camaraderie nor friendship that would be built on the reparation of Soul, Mind and Body, both of ours.  To be able to speak to and live through long term contented, productive, happy recovery that reparation must take place.
    In my own personal experience, just not doing whatever the addiction is, even for a very long time, now over 44 years, leads to what I like to think of and call; "non drinking time" versus "sobriety".  For purposes of this writing, I will use non-drinking time as a just that, not drinking and kinda hanging around a recovery program.  I will also use the term sobriety as that state of being that does not drink and achieves a calm emotional state which will allow Spiritual growth.
     So when I met him so long ago he, I, we in our own personal lives were prone to outbursts of both sobriety and non-drinking.  I can recall so many times we would have telephone conversations of him totally ranting and raving about a life occurrence or practice and I laying the phone down and just listening.  Of course that same was true of me and my sponsor.
     Over the years I have felt and know the signs of the "sunlight of the Spirit" shining in my life.  These are moments of serenity, bliss, joy, happiness and compassion for my fellow humans, all of them.  Likewise I have watched my friend move into elder life in a state being and doing those life practises which would lead him to this state of reparation I call sobriety.  What an absolute joy to watch that process come into his consciousness and enjoy it with him.
     It seems that when "the Father of Lights" is enlisted in a honest and true sense, all kinds of wonderful things happen in our lives.  Recently my buddy, although having moved on in the world of recovery and sponsorship, exhibited knowledge and understanding that could only have come from the deep well of sobriety that I saw on so many occasions so long ago.  His desire and ability to share those thoughts and feelings should and do, endear him to a large population of recovery persons.
     We in humanity need a North Star.  In recovery circles it seems that guidance usually comes from those that have "been there, done that".  While achieving a fairly regular state of sobriety, many go through the fears, anxiety's, apprehensions and sickness yet never find the means to adequately share that with humanity.  Only a few it seems figure to that out.  That to me is the goal. A state of Spirit, Mind and Body that we of various recovery programs seek.
      The circle of contented, happy, joyous, loving recovery seems complete at that point where honest, open feelings, thoughts and ideas are shared readily.  Until that sharing at a Soul level, recovery remains somewhat hidden within us.  This deep spiritual insight along with a strong personal desire to share and help is surfacing more and more with my buddy.  It will become so natural for him and others to participate in that last portion of what I term the "recovery circle" that it will seem like the right thing to do.  It is.
     From personal experience I know that not all in any form of recovery will achieve the state of recovery that I have described above.  It seems that The Divine works in mysterious ways with persons seeking that deep Spiritual Recovery.  I have met individuals with in excess of 40 years in a program that were contemplating suicide.  I have met others in long term programs that just did not comprehend nor understand why they were in those programs.  It just seems that unless one consciously touches that Spirit of the Universe, "God as we understand Him", what we seek eludes us.  Always at the edge, just never reaching the goal.
     Of course I am over whelmed with joy that my friend is moving into that area of recovery that he has sought for so many years.  Many times somewhere deep within me I could feel that "Sunlight of the Spirit" and watch him moving in that direction.  It would also seem that this is the juncture that my predecessors were talking about when they informed me that I could not keep "IT" unless I gave it away.  And, of course my own personal belief is that "IT" is in fact "God as I understand Him".  This might be just another subject for a different day.
     So my friend of so many years, enjoy your sober time in life that you have worked so hard for and continue to keep giving it away...sobriety looks good on you!

Richard is retired and
lives in Port Charlotte, Fl